Are you considering working full time and going to school? Find out how you can pursue an educational balance.

Preschools And At-Home Learning: 3 Ways To Help Your Child Learn

29 December 2016
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

Preschools are more than just child care. They're first schools and places where young children can learn and develop. With that in mind, you signed your little learner up for a pre-k class the moment she hit the 3-year mark (maybe you even put her on a waiting list when she was a young toddler). Even though your preschooler is learning during the day (at school), the education doesn't have to stop at pick-up time. Read More …

3 Reasons To Get Your Aviation Degree From A Local School

28 December 2016
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

Are you thinking about getting your aviation degree? If you've ever dreamed of becoming a pilot, but thought the idea of packing up and heading out to a fancy aviation school in a big city was too much work, you might be in for a surprise. Chances are, there are likely some aviation schools within your own city or general area. In fact, there are several reasons why you might prefer going to a local aviation school instead of one located in another part of the country. Read More …

Tips To Help You Improve The Skills That You Have Been Taught In Pottery Class

22 December 2016
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

If you are taking a pottery class at a local school and would like to improve the skills that you have been taught, the following tips can be helpful. As you practice molding clay into works of art, your confidence may soar and you can create a variety of pieces to display in your home or give to family members and friends as a gift. Hold Demonstrations At Your Residence Show off some of the skills that you have been mastering by holding demonstrations at your home to share with your immediate family members or closest friends. Read More …

5 Tips For Finding Affordable Tutoring Services

5 August 2016
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

If your child is struggling in school or simply needs additional help on a certain subject, then tutoring can be a great place to turn to. However, you may find that the tutoring services available are quite expensive. Here are five tips to help you find affordable tutoring services your child can benefit from: Talk to the School: The best place to start is to talk to the school. You can either start by talking with your student's teacher or your student's guidance counselor. Read More …

Do You Have An Only Child With Social And Dependency Issues? Consider These Enrichment Activities

1 August 2016
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

Do you have an only child that doesn't like to play well with other kids but doesn't like to do anything on their own? Do they have a difficult time in social situations and are so reliant on you that you worry they are going to be socially awkward? If so, it's time that you help your child reach out and interact with others and gain some independence. Here are a couple of things you'll want to consider doing. Read More …