Preschools And At-Home Learning: 3 Ways To Help Your Child Learn

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Preschools And At-Home Learning: 3 Ways To Help Your Child Learn

29 December 2016
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

Preschools are more than just child care. They're first schools and places where young children can learn and develop. With that in mind, you signed your little learner up for a pre-k class the moment she hit the 3-year mark (maybe you even put her on a waiting list when she was a young toddler). Even though your preschooler is learning during the day (at school), the education doesn't have to stop at pick-up time. You can continue the experience at home with a few development-focused activities. From early literacy to science, you'll find that at-home educational activities can connect to what your child is doing at preschool and help her to build new skills:

Interactive Reading

You don't have to wait until your child actually understands all of the letters, words and parts of the English language to start literacy activities. The earlier you introduce her to reading and writing, the better. Early literacy activities help your child to build a foundation for a lifetime of success.

Create a book center at home by making your own mini library. Let your child choose books that she's read at preschool or that she has an interest in. Instead of reading at her, making the activity totally interactive. Hold the book so that you can both see it. Point to the pictures as you read the words, asking open-ended questions. This could include something like, "What do you think is going on with this character?" or, "How do you think this character feels?" Encourage your child to ask questions as you read, and not just at the end of the story. Add in a creative activity and have your child act out the book after reading it.

Science Study

Set up an exploration-based experiment that puts your child in the center of the action. Ask her preschool teacher what topics they're covering at school. Create science activities at home that go along with the classroom content.

These don't have to include complicated experiments or high school-level projects. Start simple. For example, if your child is learning about animals in her pre-k class, go outside for a nature walk and observe the natural wildlife. Or, if she's learning about states of matter, set up a liquid to solid to liquid exploration. Fill and ice cube tray with water, predict what will happen and pop it into the freezer. Check back often to observe the water and take it out when it becomes ice. Let it melt to watch what happens next.

Artsy Ideas

Stretch your child's creativity with some easy at-home art. What does she like doing or making at preschool? Take her favorite materials into mind, and use them at home.

Set out paints and let your child get hands-on and mix colors. Maybe she enjoys clay play. Give her modeling clay or play dough and invite her to sculpt or just mush and mash the stuff. Crayons, markers and paper are extremely easy options that let your child use her imagination, without having to create elaborate projects.

Preschools are key parts of every child's development and educational experience.  Learning at home is an extension of your child's day. Whether you're reading, exploring scientific ideas or getting crafty, you can add to your child's education and bring her pre-k day into your very own living room. If you want to help your child integrate learning in all aspects of their lives and learn to love learning, you might try asking for help with more of your education questions. Try contacting a company like Foundations Child Development Center Inc. to learn more.