5 Tips For Finding Affordable Tutoring Services

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5 Tips For Finding Affordable Tutoring Services

5 August 2016
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

If your child is struggling in school or simply needs additional help on a certain subject, then tutoring can be a great place to turn to. However, you may find that the tutoring services available are quite expensive. Here are five tips to help you find affordable tutoring services your child can benefit from:

  1. Talk to the School: The best place to start is to talk to the school. You can either start by talking with your student's teacher or your student's guidance counselor. Most likely, they will know of a program, such as a free after-school program at the school that will help your child based on their individual needs. Since your child's teacher or counselor knows your child's academic history, this helps ensure that you are signing your child up for tutoring that will actually meet their needs. 
  2. Turn to the Local College: If you want your child to work one-on-one with a tutor, you can always turn to the local college. Many college students looking to become teachers will offer tutoring services for a much lower cost, since they are not currently certified teachers. This gives them the experience that they need while also giving your child the opportunity to work with a tutor for a low cost who is still motivated to help your child learn and grow. 
  3. Find Group Tutoring: There may be group tutoring sessions offered in your area where your child will receive tutoring by an individual while also working with a few other children. This keeps costs low because you are essentially splitting the cost of tutoring with the other children's parents. You just need to determine whether or not your child would work well in a group setting. 
  4. Talk to an Accountant: Tutoring may be tax deductible in your case, especially if your child suffers from some kind of medical condition or mental health problem that can be diagnosed by a doctor. This typically gives valid reasoning for your child to receive tutoring, and your accountant will help you gather the right medical documents to ensure that the cost you are paying for tutoring services is written off. 

When you consider these four tips, you can be sure that you are able to find affordable tutoring services that your child can benefit from. In the end, your child will thrive in school, which is the ultimate goal no matter what the cost. Contact a company like Academic Advantage Tutoring LLC for additional information on tutoring services