Advantages Of Dashboard Reporting In Education

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Advantages Of Dashboard Reporting In Education

24 December 2014
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

In order to improve in terms of the quality of education offered, schools need updated and relevant data. However, data is useless if one cannot analyze and report it efficiency. Unfortunately, without the help of education reporting, this can be difficult to do across a system of primary schools. Here are a few of the many advantages of dashboard reporting in the field of education.

Student Performance

One of the main advantages of dashboard reporting is that it allows teachers to easily and effectively monitor and analyze the test performance of their students. It is vital that teachers are able to monitor the performance of students at the individual level. That way, teachers will have no trouble identifying the students who need help when it comes to academics. Once identified, it'll be far easier to ensure these students receive the help they need.

Dashboard reporting, unlike static education reporting tools, allows teachers to view test performance over a period of time. Teachers can use dashboard reporting to identify outliers and monitor the trend of scores for certain students. Best of all, dashboard reporting requires almost no effort on the part of the teacher, as test scores are automatically loaded into the database. When the test scores are added to the database, the report will update automatically.

Enrollment Data

If you want to have a good idea of what the student body looks like, dashboard reporting is the perfect tool for the job. With dashboard reporting, you will have access to information relating to demographics as well as other categories, such as meal plan status. As an administrator or teacher, you will have the ability to filter down to the state, school district, or school that is relevant to you.

Having an accurate idea of what the student body looks like is nearly impossible if you're depending on static education reporting tools to help you. When it comes to static education reporting tools, you will likely have to look through dozens of reports for dozens of schools. Dashboard reporting, on the other hand, summarizes, analyzes, and reports the information with little effort on your own part.

As you can see, there are many reasons why you should switch from static education reporting tools to dashboard reporting. By utilizing dashboard reporting, you will have the knowledge, data, and information needed in order to improve the educational system in your state, district, or school.